Season 2, Episode 1
How to pay yourself first, save more money and build a positive money mindset
with Natalie Scott
Welcome back to Modern Day Rebels, I am so excited to kick off season 2.My first guest is Natalie Scott, money mindset and savings coach, who talks about the powerful concept of paying yourself first.
Natalie shares with me how this mindset shift can help to reach your financial goals, as well as how we can save more, manage our money and build generational wealth.
Money can be a taboo subject to raise with your family, and without finance being taught in schools it’s no surprise we can find ourselves as adults with misconceptions and a negative money mindset. Natalie is working to switch out our outdated beliefs about money and is teaching money management to younger generations getting them talking about spending and saving.
You can find Natalie’s recommended books and podcasts below;
- Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers
- You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
- Meaningful money by Pete Matthews
- The secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker
Connect with Natalie on Instagram @nataliescottempowers
“If you don’t give you money purpose or guidance it does run wild, and it runs riot.”
_Natalie Scott
- Paying yourself first is putting yourself first.
- Wealth isn’t how much you earn but how much you keep.
- It’s a disservice to yourself if you’re working to live and living to work.
Listen On:
Season 2, Episode 1 - How to pay yourself first, save more money and build a positive money mindset with Natalie Scott
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